Current Board Members
- Alonso Morlesin
- Andy Goyer
- Carlos Lopez
- Damon Bell
- Haitham Charles
Volunteer Committee
- Bernard Calasans
- Christian Guzman
- Deivis Cadavid
- Edgar Marquez
- Frank Martinez
- Gerardo Fuentes
- Ian Bowles
- Jacobo Becerra
- James Aristizabal
- Santiago Becerra
- Todd Muerer
- Willy Vilchez
Collective Responsibilities for all Board Members
- Read, understand and enforce the latest rules -
- Ensure all equipment is accounted for and returned to either the office at Premier or back in the locker at Summerfield
- Sign In and collect the balls as well as Sign Out of Premier on time to avoid additional fees. (Quick WhatsApp message if someone has picked the balls up)
- Ensure new members know how to sign up -
- Be aware who has paid and stop them playing if they haven't -
- Deal with any complaining or fights
- Enforce subs if and when required
- Participate in votes for changes to the rules or playing structure. by attending committee meetings twice per year
- Reconciles bank accounts and produces financial statements, which they present to members and publish on the website
- Ensures tax-related documents and legal forms are filed on time, such as the documents required to maintain the organization’s tax-exempt status
- Collects member dues twice a year
- Reviews the annual budget and answers board members’ questions
- Submits paperwork and renew insurance
- Manage Square Account for Payments
Equipment Lead
- Ensure that the club has the right amount of soccer balls, GK gloves, pumps, needles and cones
- Purchase new equipment as needed and reports costs to the Treasurer
- Ensure equipment is placed back in the locker at Summerfield
- Ensure equipment is collected and taken back to the office at Premier Sports
- Ensure field is ready to play at Summerfield
Social Organizer
- Organizes annual LWR Adult Soccer social gatherings
- Xmas Party
- Marc Soudjin memorial
- Champions League Final
- El Classico
- Rowdies
- Purchase food & drinks as needed for social gatherings and reports costs to Treasurer
Field Management
- Communicates with LWR Town Hall for Summerfield field booking (annually)
- Communicates with Premier Sports for field management and communicates to the members on day of play
- Assist with Team selection
- Posts news to Facebook Page
- Emails to members when needed
- Communicate with new member enquiries