We have spoken with Premier Sports and clarified the situation. Since the county have taken over the fields Premier Sports are being audited on how much time people are spending on the fields and that is why they are coming down hard on us.
We have the fields booked every Monday and Wednesday from 6pm to 7:30pm. Becca has agreed to give us a 30 minute grace period but we must be off the premises by 8pm.
There must be NO Alcohol consumed on the premises under no circumstances. If we are caught with alcohol we will lose the fields!!!
In order to keep within the current budget we must not enter the field to play (or warm up) until 6pm. In future please gather in the parking lot to get ready and to pick the teams. Once we have the teams ready for the first game is when we should start playing at 6pm.
We need to stop playing at 7:45pm at the latest to make sure we are off the premises by 8pm.
Any members violating any of these rules will no longer be able to play with us.
Thank you for agreeing to do this, I know we love to play and we definitely don’t want to lose the privilege of playing at Premier.
LWRASC Board Members
Alonso Morlesin
Carlos Lopez
Damon Bell
Danny Burton
Gianni Morelli